What do I wear? What do I bring?
Round Oak has a diverse crowd and you will find individuals wearing anything from shorts and flip-flops to a collared shirt and tie. We encourage you to wear whatever will best help you participate in a worshipful experience of praising God and learning more about Him.
If you are able, we encourage everyone to bring a Bible, whether that is a printed copy or on a smartphone or tablet. But more than that, we hope that you bring a heart that is ready to participate in worship that glorifies God and is prepared to be transformed by the good news of Jesus Christ.
What about my kids?
Round Oak's kids & student ministries offers a safe and loving place for children of all ages to learn about Jesus. Our desire to partner with parents to raise up children and youth to become committed followers of Christ.
You can expect that there will be events for your kids that will encourage them in their learning and experiencing God, as well as good fun with others of their age group. We have well qualified teachers and assistants for all levels of Christian Education.
How long are the worship services?
You can expect to spend time in our congregation about an hour. We encourage interested individuals to participate in Round Oak activities and groups that are available at our church outside of regular service hours, listed at the above menu.